B. Farnum Photography ~Vermont: Blog

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spend More On Your Camera's Lens Than Its Body

Lenses are a longterm investment... camera bodies are not. 

There are so many different camera bodies on the market with even a $600 camera body a photographer can produce a brilliant image. With the advances in sensor technologies and image processors, really any mid-range DSLR can produce an amazing photo. 

I think what matters more than the camera body is the actually the lens that you put in front of the camera body. The lens is the cameras eye, you really want to have 20/20 vision instead of  less than perfect vision. So spend your photography budget on quality glass.. 

Investing in high end lens will yield a better return on your photographic investment, because as fast as you buy a new camera body. A camera company could come out with a newer model body tomorrow, but they don't tend to update their lenses as fast. 

This is why I would recommend putting the bulk of your photographic monies towards buying quality glass. 

Remember to learn something new each day, a learning and practicing photographer is better than a photographer who sits around thinking about taking the shot. Be the photographer that goes out to make the shot. 

Canon Lenses I Recommend:
Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Autofocus Lens Bokeh Lovers Dream
Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM Autofocus Lens
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM Telephoto Zoom Lens Love this Lens!!
Canon Zoom Wide Angle-Telephoto EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM Autofocus Lens

Monday, January 24, 2011

2 Australian Photographers

The work of these two photographers astounds me, and I thought that I should share my love of their work with others. Both of these photographers happen to be from Australia, which I thought was interesting. I have never been to Australia. But after looking at Steve Coleman's photos, I really want to experience the beauty that Australia has to offer.

Steve Coleman:
Steve is always helpful and  inspiring to his fans on his Facebook he encourages photographers to do better, engaging them with his thoughts on a type of film, website or even equipment. Steve is probably one of my favorite photographers. Stunning images, his new work on his website, is mind-blowing please check it out.
Website: http://lightinframe.com
Blog: http://www.lightinframeblog.com/

Colin Anderson:
Colin Anderson's style reminds me of one of my favorite surreal artists Salvador Dali, breath-taking images are only part of Colin's vast talent set. Check out his website and blog, one of Colin's photos is the cover of Digital Photo Pro's August 2010 issue. Congrats Colin!
Website: http://www.andersonproductions.com.au/

Thursday, January 13, 2011

7 photographers to follow on Twitter

When looking for new trends and quality information on the photography industry, I look to these following photographers. There are so many photographers on Twitter its hard to sort out who really has something to offer their followers. Here are my seven must follows on Twitter.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

3 Great Photography Podcasts

Do you want to learn quality information about photography for free? There are some good podcasts on photography and then there are some great podcasts on photography. I am going to recommend only the great podcasts that I found to date, that are still producing new content on a regular basis. Here are my top three podcasts.
  1. Going Pro 2010 This podcast is presented by @ScottBourne and @SkipCohen
  2. The Digital Photo Experience This Podcast is presented by @RickSammon and @JuanPons
  3. PhotoFocus presented by @ScottBourne with various special guests
I listen to these podcasts and suggest them to everyone who has an interest in photography and wants to improve on their skills. All three of these podcasts have special guests who specialize in certain types of photography. These are never boring and guaranteed to teach you something.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wedding Photographer Marketing-Facebook Fan Pages

Marketing Your Wedding Photography-Facebook

I have spent money on radio ads, websites that promise a lot yet under deliver every time. But one avenue that has been successful for me is the social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
To get started in the vast arena of social media start small and stick to one path. I started with a Facebook fan page. Start by going to the   Create a Page for a celebrity, band or business. Fill out all of the information that applies to your business, such as hours of operation, your contact info, and make sure to provide some type of photo or graphic for your profile picture. You should have some examples of your work to show off. But make the images small so that it cannot be pirated, yet big enough to show the detail in the photo. I tend to water mark all of the images that I post to facebook.
After you have all of the information that you would like to share with your potential clients, then you should start focusing on who you want to reach, how you are going to draw more people to your fan page. I focus on trying to get as many 18-35 year old females to "like" my fan page. I have found that more often than not the bride or wife will make the decision on whether or not to hire you as a photographer.
One place to start gaining "likes" from is your own friends list, when someone "likes" your page it will then show up on their profile page, as Brian likes B. Farnum Photography (Professional Service). Which could turn into more likes, and helps build your presence on Facebook.
Facebook will help you grow your business, you just need to be patient, it does take time to start building a following.
Hope this helps.
Brian Farnum
B. Farnum Photography