B. Farnum Photography ~Vermont: Blog

Friday, November 1, 2013

Baby Your A Firework!! 10 Things That Might Help You Photograph Fireworks!!

Firework Photography: B. Farnum Photography Prints For Sale

10 Things I have learned about taking photographs of fireworks:

  1.  Tripod- You are going to need a tripod, hand holding is not an option.

  2. (B) is for Bulb, I generally click the shutter release when I first hear the firework being shot off. Using the Bulb setting on your camera, you can play around with exposure times. .

  3.  DO NOT.. keep your camera in Air Conditioning before taking it outdoors, especially when doing the 4th of July fireworks display..(Yes I did do this the second time I ever photographed fireworks, missed the entire fireworks display)

  4. Scout out the location, before you set everything up. 

  5. Compose the shot before, generally speaking, because fireworks do have a mind of their own sometimes. But you want to make sure that you can capture them fully and fill the frame the best you can. 

  6. Bug Spray- because in Vermont, the mosquitoes are bloodthirsty.

  7. Try and stay away from street lights or other forms of light that can through off your exposure. 

  8. F-Stop I try to use the largest f-stop I can, I start with f/8 and increase from there, to increase the depth of field of the image. Because sometimes explosions happen in different places, having a larger depth of field helps ensure that more than one firework will be in focus. 

  9. Cable release, because touching the shutter release will shake the camera even if it's on a tripod. It's really hard to use the timer on the camera, it can be done but too many variables are working against you to achieve the shots you are looking for. A cable release will prove to be a tool you will use all the time, buy one!

  10. ISO- I try to use 100-200 ISO so I don't get fuzziness from the pixels. Because you want the edges the sharp. 

Fall Foliage Vermont

Vermont is full of beauty and breathtaking views and scenes, traveling down a dirt road to discover what it has to offer. Photos taken all over Vermont. B. Farnum Photography Prints Available For Sale