B. Farnum Photography ~Vermont: Blog

Monday, April 25, 2011

Creative Live: Free Live Photographic Learning

Ever wanted to learn photography or learn something new about photography, without spending way to much time and money to get the knowledge that you want.

Creative Live is the solution for you. They have great live classes for free, this Friday 4/29/11 there will be another 3 sessions available, Zack Arias will be teaching. The course title is Foundations of a working photographer with Zack Arias.

Some classes that I have attended and am going to purchase from Creative Live!

Jasmine Star- Building Your Wedding Photography Business. Her most recent appearance on Creative Live was stellar with all of the knowledge and insight she provided over the two days on the wedding photography business. This course was simply amazing Jasmine's personality is magnetic, you are drawn to her words and sense of humor. Jasmine is an inspiration, she had no formal training in photography, and didn't know even know what an f-stop was. If you want to learn how to succeed, you need to watch her sessions. I found myself writing a lot of things down, that I wanted to remember. If you are a wedding photographer this is a small investment with so much return.

Bambi Cantrell-Making weddings and portraits like no other I love her Creative Live workshop that she did called Posing and Lighting with Bambi Cantrell you can watch clips, it is so worth the purchase. You will learn things you forgot and how to pose without making the subject feel as if they are being posed. Bambi is a tell it how it how is kind of woman, I love her personality.

Tamara Lackey-Children's  Portrait Photography with Tamara Lackey you learn how to work with children even if the weather is bad or if you subject is tired. She covers the full gamut of what could happen when photographing children. You will also learn how lighting is so much different for children, children are always moving fast. How to shoot families, the business of Kids Photography.

Creative Live has some of the world's best photographic teachers. All of their photographers are leaders in their specific niche of photography. Creative Live is one of my favorite photography knowledge resources, hope you enjoy.

B. Farnum Photography

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today's Flickr Photographer

Today's Flickr photographer is Stéphane Giner for his photo titled Gertruden Kuchen its part of his "Darkside of the Bride" project. You should totally check out his photostream to see the other images, its like he stole Tim Burton's creativity and thoughts for a while. Love his style.
B. Farnum Photography