B. Farnum Photography ~Vermont: Blog

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Recession Is Not An Excuse To Be Lazy

I keep hearing on the news that we are in a recession or the next recession will be far worse than one we are currently in. You can make your photography business recession proof, don't just sit on the couch with the mindset that everyone is experiencing a down turn in their business. Get off your ass, and start something. Nothing is going to happen if all you do is watch re-runs.

Instead take a pro-active approach to start craving out your place in photographic market. When many of your fellow photographers are feeling the same pain that you are. What you have to do is increase your hustle. Start making sure you are consistently posting on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Flickr and Tumblr to make sure that your name is fresh in the minds of all the potential clients out there.

You really need to increase you hustle on your social media streams, be active in the community where you work and play. Instead of thinking and sitting, take action. I have been increasing my business when everyone is complaining about not having enough clients, how things are only going up in price.

These are the FREE powerhouses that you can harness to increase the number of people who see your name on a daily basis. You might not be able to compete with a higher end photographer in your area dollar for dollar when it comes to revenue. But you do have time, the ability to type and a hunger that many photographers have lost.

I use Facebook because I have to reach a number of my Senior Portrait clients, they are a captive audience. They love to comment, like and share content that I post on my wall. It's easy to start gaining the "likes" needed to really start drawing in clients.

Another way to use Facebook is to go after newlyweds and their friends. Brides are a marketers dream, you become friends with the Bride and her Bridemaids this will insure that you will get referrals. Make sure to tag them in some of the photos that you post from their wedding.

You need quality of quantity ALWAYS, when you are trying to sell someone a look or feel.
When posting an image, remember this: "Well this make the person post a comment, like it, or share it with others." If the answer is no, then move to another image that will capture the attention of the audience that you are going after.

Hope this helps.

B. Farnum Photography
Brian Farnum

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